Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Short Story: The Lonely Orchard

This latest prompt caused me some grief. I came up with two story ideas, then had to choose between the two, which needless to say showed its grief in the form of writing confusion. I started my choice of the two on several different occassions, and deleting the garbage every time. I just couldn't connect with what I wanted to write. I couldn't even decide on a workign title, something I rarely have trouble creating. Finally, I sat down over lunch today with pen and paper and decided to focus on an outline (why the heck did I try to write without one, anyway?).

Instead of writing an outline, I handwrote the entire story. Eight pages of blaring red ink that I need to type up this evening. The good news: I reconnected with the story. It's going to need a lot of editing, but I like it.

The title: The Lonely Orchard

No blurb this time, you'll have to wait for the edit. :)


Kristal R. said...

Congrats on writing your story. I'm an artist too, a musician actually, and it's hard to find time for your art once you have kids. How do you keep the passion for your art going? Sometimes I find I have trouble finding and connecting with it...

D.M. Bonanno said...

I've been struggling for a long time to get it to work. I'm fortunate the little one sleeps well at night, so after she's in bed, it's just a matter of deciding how tired I am, and what I have the willpower to do. My muse refuses to sleep though, so I had to give in...