Sunday, March 21, 2010

continuing tiger princess

Friday I wrote another 1/3 of the Tiger Princess story, but Saturday and Sunday were nonwriting days (aka kids, kidfun, laundry, groceries, more laundry, etc etc etc). Finally, I have some time to myself after prepping for the week, and am almost ready to sit down and write. I'd like at least a scene tonight if nothing else. I should be able to finish up the story tomorrow with three hours of writing over the course of three planned writing sessions. I'm actually giving up the lunchtime writimg tomorrow to hit the gym.

It might seem silly considering I have two big deadlines coming up, but if this is what I'm going to do with my life, I'll always have deadlines coming up. If I don't fit in my workouts now, they'll never become a solid part of my routine, and it will always compete with my writing. Aside from those workouts I've managed to plan for a good 20 hours per week on writing, including attempts on Saturday and Sunday which don't always work. I figure I lose a quarter of what I plan on due to family stuff. So still, 15 hours a week on top of the day job? I'm happy with it. Especially since adding the early morning sessions. I'm been getting up at 4:30 and get onto the computer by 4:45, giving myself 45 minutes to write. This week, I'm moving it a tad earlier: up at 4;15 and onto the computer by 4:30. It's amazing how much the writing flows at that hour, and I found that I kept creeping past my 5:30 mark, and getting our morning going late.

Goals for this week: complete Tiger Princess first draft, revise Orchard and send for crit, and then start on the Tiger Princess revision.

Here's to a busy week, and a sucessful one! Good luck with your plans/goals.

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