Thursday, March 4, 2010

multiple projects

I've shifted over to the multiple/simultaneous project mentality. I flowed into it because some of my little bits of writing time don't always allow me computer access.  I outlined the Tiger Princess story, and started writing it today. The first scene revealed some information about the characters I hadn't realized--I thought the main character was my tiger princess, but someone else has claimed that title in a very creepy kind of way. Can't wait to get this one day and out. :)

I got some feedback on my letter for viable paradise, and the revision should be fairly easy. The submission is going to take a little while--Nighthunter's Bite is in good shape, but getting into this workshop is competetive, and I need it in tip-top condition. I'm concerned that I'm sending in my experimental story (1st person pov, present tense), but with proper editing I hope I can make it shine.

Black Violas is on a break (last night). I'm about to rewrite the ending, the right ending I believe, so looking at it fresh should help.

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