Monday, June 23, 2008

Editing Galore!

I made a bunch of goals for myself this week, but I wonder if I didn't overcommit. I put the Sunguard edit on the back burner to thnk some stuff over, but I think I'm ready to get back to it. I gave Treischan Strength another look at (with some comments from the Roving Crits boards on FM), and marked that up to be edited again. It's in good shape, and should only take one night to work out the details. I'm just waiting for feedback from two other folks I emailed it to before I finalize it. (Either that or when the mood strikes). I'm also working on The Lonely Orchard which posed more of a problem because of backstory issues. I think I have those mostly worked out, so it's just a matter of putting in the time and getting a few scenes rewritten.

The two year old's birthday party is this weekend, so we have house-cleaning and party prep (and monthly bills) to get to this week. I'm hoping for a high energy week so I can keep up with my Wish List. ;)

Here goes nothing!

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