Monday, August 4, 2008

Back from Vacation & On The Go

"Vacation" simply means "time off of work, not at home" when it's done with a toddler. She's moving beyond her toddler phase, and while she is a well behaved child, it's still work. I gave myself this morning off to recover from the vacation, but it's off to finish unpacking, doing laundry, buying groceries, and logging on to the work computer (yep, promised them four hours today, which is much better than eight).

I was too exhausted to manage any writing over the trip, but I did get some reading done, and quite enjoyed Wen Spencer's "Wolf Who Rules". I get a kick out of her main character Tinker, who is as short as I am, but has courage in spades where mine only comes in spurts. ;)

This week promises to be chaotic, mostly due to committments to the day job that may require more than the normal eight hour day, but I do have a few things I'm aiming for. Sunguard needs editing still, and I intend to finish it this week even if I have to sacrifice sleep. I have some minor goals (my fiction class, a crit, and start/build a short story first draft), but not until Sunguard gets another pass.

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