Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tempting Fate

Yes, I tempt fate. My promise to myself "edit Sunguard no matter what comes up" was derailed by Mother's Nature's attempt to blow my city away with massive thunderstorms and sightings of funnel clouds. Niiiice. Thanks, Mama Earth. Love ya. (smooches)

Today was fairly productive, surprising considering how little sleep I got last night.

Over lunch I completed the crit that was troubling me. I don't usually read, never mind crit, flash fiction. The author is someone whose writing I respect, so it's always tough for me to get into crit mode in that situation. It IS harder for me to crit for someone when they're less of a stranger, but that's okay. I'm learning to handle it better, and I'm learning from the people whose work I've learned to critique.

I also started reviewing my notes for Nighthunter's Bite. I like the concept of the story better now than I did before, and am looking forward to writing it. This is going to my submission to the celtic fantasy anthology and really does have the right foundation for it, I just need to research some details to make it just right.

I'm working on Sunguard now, I won't get through it tonight though. There's too much I need to change. But I'm slogging through the handwritten notes, reentering the edits I made last week before I had lost that version of the file. It's tough going, but I am making progress. Then I can go back and and the two new scenes. I need to do some character work, as two characters that had only been mentioned before, will now have more significant roles. And they weren't even mentioned in the first version of the story. It's fun watching how these things develop.

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