Saturday, June 30, 2007

June Writing Update / July Goals

June was rough with teething-baby/mommy-zombie, and pet issues. Still achieved a significant amount of writing.

June Writing Completed:
* The Crossing: Edited
* Treischan Strength: Edited
* Forgotten Star New Chapters B & C: Written
* Silver Griffin Crits: 3 completed
* Winter Warrior Worldbuilding underway

July is looking busy and will be a challenge, especially considering I'm taking a week off for vacation in sunny Florida. I am optimistic however, and will do my best. The editing (shorts and the novel) are priority.

June Begun Tasks Needing Completion in July:
* Forgotten Star: Chapter D (write)
* SG Crits: EST Crit (half done)

July New Goals:
* Forgotten Star Chapter Edit A - B (0/2)
* Edit Short Story "The Dragon's Bard"
* Edit Short Story "The Lonely Orchard"
* Silver Griffin Crits: 0/3
* Winter Warrior Worldbuilding

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